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A Chronological and Categorical Compilation of Dr. Root's Books and Publications

Writer's picture: Dr. Jerry RootDr. Jerry Root


2020 C. S. Lewis’s Dymer: A Splendour in the Dark, InterVarsity Press.

2020 The Neglected C. S. Lewis with Mark Neal Paraclete Press: Brewster, Massachusetts.

2018 Naked and Not Ashamed: A Guide to the Necessary Work of Christian Marriage, with Claudia Root and Jeremy Rios. Paraclete Press: Brewster, Massachusetts.

2015 The Surprising Imagination of C. S. Lewis: An Introduction, with Mark Neal. Abingdon: Nashville. (Finalist, for the Indie Book of the Year in the Religious Category. Reviewed by Professor Don King in Christian Scholars Review).

2011 The Sacrament of Evangelism. Moody Press. Chicago, Illinois.

2010 Consulting editor and author of the Introduction to The C. S. Lewis Study Bible. Harper Collins: San Francisco.

2010 The Soul of Lewis: A Meditative Journey through Twenty-six of His Best Loved Writings.* Wayne Martindale, Jerry Root, and Linda Washington, editors and contributors. Tyndale House.

2009 C. S. Lewis and a Problem of Evil: An Investigation of a Pervasive Theme. Princeton Theological Monograph Series 96. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications, a Division of Wipf and Stock. Also published in Cambridge, United Kingdom by James Clarke & Co. 2010.

(Reviewed by Bruce R. Johnson in Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal. Volume 3, 2009; and by Mikel Burley in Cambridge Journals Cambridge University Press May 2011).

1990 The Quotable C. S. Lewis.* Ed. with Wayne Martindale. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House. (Book of the Year Award: Jesus People USA, 1990; Book of the Year Finalist: Christianity Today 1990).

Currently writing projects: Job: The Sacrament of Suffering and Service; and C. S. Lewis, Hell, and the Love of God.

*Indicates books I initiated and insisted that the authors’ names be listed alphabetically.

Study Guides and Booklets

1990 Friendship Evangelism. With Claudia Root. Wheaton, Illinois: Harold Shaw.

1983 Leader’s Guide for How to Help a Friend. With Claudia Root. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House.

Chapters and Articles Contributed to Other Books (by request of the editors).

2019 “C. S. Lewis: Apologist” for the Blackwell’s Dictionary of Apologetics. Doug Geivett, editor (to be published in 2020)

2017 “C. S. Lewis: Pursuing Reality through Reason and Imagination” A Legacy of Religious Educators: Historical and Theological Introductions, Edited by Elmer Towns & Benjamin K. Forrest. Lynchburg, Virginia: Liberty University Press.

2013 “C. S. Lewis Objectivity and Beauty” C. S. Lewis and the Arts: Creativity in the Shadowlands Rod Miller, ed. Baltimore, Maryland: Square Halo Books.

2009 Contributor to Ignite Your Faith: 365 Devotions to Set Your Faith on Fire, Chris Lutes, editor. Baker Publishing Group.

2009 “A Vocabulary for My Soul” in Mere Christians: Inspiring Stories of Encounters with C. S. Lewis. Mary Anne Phemister and Andrew Lazo, Editors. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. Pp. 186-88.

2008 “Our Global Task of Evangelism—Proclamation: Restoring People from the Inside Out” Chapter 14, Introduction to Christian Education and Formation. Ronald T. Habermas. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

2007 Day 23 “Is Your God Too Puny?” and Day 28 “The Thin Place” in Be Still and Know that I am God: 31 Days to a Deeper Meditative Prayer Life. Amy and Judge Reinhold. New York: Howard Books/Simon and Schuster.

2005 “Bearings on the Bright Blur: The Theology of C. S. Lewis” Narnia Beckons. Edited by Ted & James Baehr. Nashville, Tennesse: Broadman Holman.

2001 “Barchester Towers” by Anthony Trollope and “The Pensees” by Blaise Pascal. Contributed to Reading for Life. Jeffry Davis, Leland Ryken, Tom Martin, Editors. New York: Xlibris/Random House. Fall 2001.

2001 “Evangelism and Discipleship” Christian Education in the New Millennium. Michael Anthony, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books.

2001 “C. S. Lewis”, “The Resurrection”. Baker Dictionary of Christian Education. Warren Benson and Michael Anthony, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books.

2001 “The Cloud of Unknowing”, “Justin Martyr”, “The Theology of Marriage”, “Universalism”. The New Baker Dictionary of Theology. Walter Elwell, ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books.

1998 “Jane Austen”, “Ancius Boethius”, “Geoffrey Chaucer”, George Herbert”. The C. S. Lewis Reader’s Encyclopedia. Jeffrey D. Schultz and John G. West Jr. ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.

1998 “Tools Inadequate and Incomplete: C. S. Lewis and the Great Religions”. The Pilgrim’s Guide: C. S. Lewis and the Art of Witness. David Mills ed. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans. [Reprinted in The Anglican Digest. Vol. 41, No. 2. Easter 1999].

1997 “C. S. Lewis and the Problem of Evil”. C. S. Lewis Lightbearer in the Shadowlands: The Evangelistic Vision of C. S. Lewis. Angus Menuge ed. Wheaton, Illinois: Crossway Books.

1997 Letter published (pp. 111-113), in A Mother’s Grief Observed. Rebecca Faber. Wheaton, Illinois Tyndale House.

Articles Published in Periodicals, Journals, Magazines and Papers

2020 “Letter to C. S. Lewis” Comment: Public Theology for the Common Good. Vol. 38, No. 2. Spring 2020. Pp. 68-69.

2019 “Sharing the Gospel with Authenticity,” Broadcast Talks. Volume 4 Number 1. A Publication of the C. S. Lewis Institute. Springfield, Virginia.

2017 “Importance of the Incarnation in the works of C. S. Lewis and S. Kierkegaard”

Tibor Máhrik, Martina Pavlíková, & Jerry Root. Scopus (Peer Reviewed Database).

2015 “Perspective: Evangelism and the Early Church” Outreach Magazine Vol. 14. No. 2. November-December. Pp. 58-59.

2013 Staying Power: Four Reasons Why Lewis’ Legacy Endures. Biola Magazine. Jason Newell, editor.

2012 C. S. Lewis, Scripture and Spiritual Formation, Christian Education Journal, Series 3, Volume 9, Special Supplement. Spring 2012. Pp. S-157-171.

2011 Evangelism and the Early Church. Lausanne World Pulse. December.

2011 Evangelism: Joining the God Who is Already at Work. By Jerry Root, with Stan Guthrie. Outreach Magazine, Volume 10, Number 6. November-December. Pp. 58-62.

2011 When All the World Hears. Decision Magazine. November.

2009 Christianity and World Views Lausanne World Pulse, July. The article was co-written with a former student, Justin Conrad.

2009 C. S. Lewis and the Case Against Subjectivism. Knowing and Doing a publication of the C. S. Lewis Institute. Summer edition.

2009 The Deep Significance of Telling Others of the Love of God, The Billy Graham Center Scholarship Program News. Spring. Volume 2, Issue 1.

2008 The Strategic Importance of Student Ministry: What are you Living For? Lausanne World Pulse, August.

2008 Evelyn Underhill: The Path Towards Spiritual Maturity. Conversations: A Forum for Authentic Transformation. Vol. 6:1; Spring.

2007 What Christians Believe: The Death of Death—The Apostle’s Creed. With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith. Nov-Dec.

2007 What Christians Believe: The Cure for Loneliness—The Apostle’s Creed. With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith. June-July.

2007 Why Must Evangelism and Discipleship Go Hand in Hand? Lausanne World Pulse, May.

2007 What Christians Believe: Your Invisible Friend “I Believe in the Holy Spirit”—The Apostles’ Creed. With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith. March-April.

2007 What Christians Believe: Judge Jesus. With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith.


2006 What Christians Believe: Jesus in Hell? With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith. November-December.

2006 What Makes Christianity Fundamentally Different from Other Great World Religions? Lausanne World Pulse, December.

2006 What Christian’s Believe: He’s Dead. Game Over? With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith. September-October.

2006 What I Tell My Students About Evangelism. Lausanne World Pulse. July.

2006 What Christian’s Believe: Believing the Unbelievable, with Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite Your Faith. June-July.

2006 What Christians Believe: Common Name, Uncommon Savior. With Grady Root. Campus Life’s Ignite your Faith. March-April.

2006 The Transcendent Story Wheaton Alumni Magazine.

2006 What Christians Believe: Who is God Anyway? with Chris Lutes. Ignite Your Faith (formerly Campus Life Magazine). Jan/Feb Volume 64, Number 6. First article in a nine part series.

2005 Mind in Motion: The Intellectual Pilgrimage of C. S. Lewis with J. I. Packer, Christian History Magazine. December Issue.

2005 The Great Iconoclast with Jennifer Trafton, Christian History Magazine. December Issue.

2005 The Seminarian Balancing Act. Ministry Mentor January Issue.

2004 The Desire Myth. Ministry Mentor October Issue.

2003 How do I find Healing? Revolutionary: The Magazine of Camp Eagle. Summer.

1998 The Man Who Created Narnia. Focus on the Family Magazine. Vol. 22, No. 12. December 1998. (Lead article published by request).

1998 Narnia: What Must God Be Like? Focus on the Family Magazine. Vol. 22, No. 12. December.

1998 Tools Inadequate and Incomplete: C. S. Lewis and the Great Religions. Mission and Ministry. Volume XI, Number 4 and Volume XII, Number 1. (Reprinted from The Pilgrim’s Guide).

1998 Reading C. S. Lewis is a Liberal Arts Education. The Wheaton Record. Vol. 124, No. 4.


1998 NACIE Affirmations: Inner Life Development. Equipping Evangelists. Volume 10. July.

1985 Following that Bright Blur. Christian History Magazine. Volume IV, Number 3.

1981 From the Catacombs. Harvest Rock Magazine. Vol. I, Issue 4. October-November.

1981 Donkeys, Stones and C. S. Lewis. Harvest Rock Magazine. Vol. I, Issue 3. September.

Introductions and Forewords to Books

2020 Introduction to Rugged Discipleship by Steve Connor (to be published in 2020)

2019 Afterword to the Russian edition of "The Golden Sequence" by Evelyn Underhill. Mirt Publishers, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2019. Pp. 217 -231. ISBN 978-5-88869-322-3

2018 Introduction to The Misquotable C. S. Lewis: What He Didn’t Say, What He Actually Said. And Why It Matters by William O’Flaherty, Foreword by Jerry Root. Wipf & Stock: Eugene, Oregon.

2017 Foreword to On Being Human (e): Comenius’ Pedagogical Humanization as an Anthropological Problem by Jan Habl. Pickwick Publications: Eugene, Oregon.

2015 Introduction to The Golden Key by George MacDonald. A Trinity Forum Publication.

2014 Foreword to Mere Christianity Study Guide: A Bible Study on the C. S. Lewis Book Mere Christianity: A Study Course for a Thinking Faith, by Steven Urban. Nashville: Steven Urban.

2002 “Foreword” to The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Protestant Reformation. Indianapolis, Indiana: Alpha, A Pearson Education Company.

2002 “Foreword” to The Complete Idiot’s Guide to the Book of Revelation. Indianapolis, Indiana: Alpha, A Pearson Education Company.

2000 “Introduction” to The Golden Sequence by Evelyn Underhill. Eagle, Inter Publishing Service: Surrey, England.

2000 “Introduction” to The Light of Christ: Abba: The Fruits of the Spirit: Retreat Messages of Evelyn Underhill by Evelyn Underhill. Eagle, Inter Publishing Service: Surrey, England.



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